
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What I have been up to....

Well, it has been a while. Lets see..... Things have been going pretty well. I was up til 1 o'clock last night working on homework and writing a 500 word essay on a book not really that much but it helps to read the book first!

We just got two hives of honey bees, so that has been exciting and fun! I will post pictures later.

Oh and I put my engine into my truck last week and am working on finishing on putting everything together.

That is all I can think of for now.



  1. What are you doing with bees and what color did the truck end up?

  2. Wow, Jus! You finally posted!!! JK, but it is good to hear from someone in the G family..... Very exciting about your truck. I will echo Jessie's question...what color???

  3. Ummm, red or yellow I am split between the two.

    @Jess Getting honey!!!!!!! I love honey.
