
Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Okay, so today my friend got me good, gave me this, and it really hurts........

Okay, so not really today was my first day doing bruising, scaring and blood. It was a lot of fun and I got a lot of compliments for being a first timer for doing special effects. :D


  1. Yikes! That wasn't Mom language, especially after the attic stories :-) My first thought was......did he not tell me something because he didn't want me to worry? Good job......I am assuming that is all make up?! Right?

  2. wow, you had me going there, I was thinking "yikes, that's ugly, some friend you got there Justin!" Then I read the rest and now I can understand your moms relief! Great job!! Is this for reenacting or something?

    Mama K

  3. Don't worry mom its all make up lol. Kara wanted to know if me and Jon were finally tired of each other lol :D

    Mrs. K I am down at a performing arts school for the month and so I have been learn a lot of things for stage and film. :D I am in their Christmas production to see if it is where I want to go to school. :D

  4. Wow! I too, before reading the rest of the post was like 'wow! Poor Justin :(' haha nice job on the effects! :)


  5. You sure fooled us! I was over at the R's house doing a piano lesson with Noah, and I hear David saying, "Oh man. Oh boy. Justin got wrung through the wringer." We jumped up, went running over, and we're all oohing and aahing over your pictures before sensible Mrs. R came over and set us straight. Too funny!!!

  6. Hey...happy belated birthday!!! Hope you had an awesome, blessed day!

    Miss you!

  7. Lol, well there was some blood shed during the course of my stay in SC, but thankfully there was no serious injuries! I though David would like those pics lol :D Thats one of the reasons I posted them.

    Thanks for the Bday wishes :D
